Business Woman!!

Created by pksharma 9 years ago
Anjali was well known for her marvelous sense of dress and more often than not had people turning heads. Anji possessed a wardrobe [envied by many a woman!] consisting of fantastic clothes in abundance for every occasion and differing styles. Annie was invited to an Indian wedding for the first time and was at a loss what to wear. Without thinking too hard I promptly thought of Anji. After good part of the evening the two of them had fun Annie trying various garments. Prem was one of the adjudicators. There was relief all round when the outfit [see photo] was chosen. Anji generously lent the garment for Annie to wear. The Indian garment proved a great success and Annie received many complimentary comments regarding her outfit and the ladies wanted to know the name of the shop she got the garment from. Quick as a flash Annie replied ‘I got it from this exclusive boutique called Anjali’s Boutique in Wembley’. I wonder how many people have tried to find Anjali’s Boutique in Wembley so far … as it will stay an exclusive boutique forever!
